These cards illustrate how organisms have adapted through the constraints of our planet.
Each of their strategies offer prompts on how you as a Visual Communication Designer can incorporate those into your daily work. The cards also include specific Life’s Principles (LPs), (cc) Biomimicry 3.8), a set of rules which are followed by ALL living things in order to thrive on planet earth.
If you have not yet purchased a set, you can do so here.
How do the cards work?
This card set is continually evolving. We welcome your feedback after you have worked with the cards. Feel free to send ideas, needs, and other comments through the contact page.
The content for the cards was created in collaboration with my fellow Biomimics: Leon Wang, Carol Myers, and Julio Costa. Illustrated by nahimsa.
These cards are published under creative commons license:
Attribution | Non Commercial | No Derivatives 4.0 International by